Payman’s stand shows pressure on Albanese over Gaza still growing

Senator Fatima Payman’s resignation shows that the pressure on the Labor government over Gaza is still growing.

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Pine Gap base aiding Israel’s operations in Gaza

The Albanese government is directly aiding Israel’s war in Gaza through allowing the sharing of intelligence information from the spy base at Pine Gap.

How can the rise of France’s fascists be stopped?

Despite the fascists’ failure to take government in France, they will continue rising if the left relies on electoral deals to halt them, argues Cooper Forsyth

Australian capital tied to Israel by a thousand threads

As the horror of Israel’s genocidal war in Gaza has grown, the clearer has become the depth and intimacy of the Australian ruling class’s military connections with the Zionist entity.

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Podcast: The Sound of Solidarity


Why are union leaders dragging their feet over Palestine?

Chris Breen examines why most union leaders still haven’t mobilised their members to support Palestine, despite the efforts at rank-and-file action

Climate action

Dutton’s nuclear power plan aims to extend coal power

Coalition leader Peter Dutton has attempted to breathe new life into nuclear power as a serious energy policy option.

Construction workers walk off to support ANU encampment

Construction workers walked off the job at ANU in Canberra to support the Gaza solidarity encampment after a series of threats from the university.

Racism and Indigenous rights

Labor dancing to Dutton’s racist tune on immigration detainees—again

On 7 June, Immigration Minister Andrew Giles caved in yet again to the Coalition’s relentless racist campaigning against immigration detainees.


Pressure gets to Albanese as anger at genocide complicity grows

The pressure from eight months of protests is getting to the government. Albanese has launched a wild series of attacks on Palestine protests and The Greens.

End systemic pressures inside the family to end violence against women

The problem is not straightforwardly men’s power over women but the unbearable pressure on everybody to perform socially recognisable gender roles in a nuclear family.


British Labour takes office but little enthusiasm on show

Labour won a big majority in Britain’s election. But the results saw a surge towards the far right Reform UK party while pro-Palestine independents won five seats.

Long reads

White Australia and the labour movement

This is the text of the 2023 Alex Macdonald Memorial Lecture, delivered by Phil Griffiths. With thanks to the Brisbane Labour History Association.

Radical history and theory

Workers and the alternative to capitalism

The history of workers’ struggles shows the possibility of a socialism based on mass democratic control of society, writes Judy Cox.

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