Issue 139 - Jul

Strategy needed to halt uni bosses’ job cuts

Around the country, university Vice-Chancellors are launching massive attacks on jobs, on top of their previous cuts to casual and fixed term staff.

Morrison’s military billions fuel conflict with China

Australia will spend $270 billion over ten years to recalibrate its military strategy and project more power across the Indo-Pacific region, which Prime Minister Scott Morrison says is now “the focus of the dominant global contest of our age”.

Green ban saves heritage and Sydney Powerhouse

NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian has backflipped over the move of the Ultimo Powerhouse Museum to Parramatta, announcing plans for a museum on both sites. After ongoing community opposition, the...

Seven years is enough: protest builds to free the refugees

The 19 July marked seven years since the Rudd Labor government infamously declared that no asylum seeker who arrived by boat and was sent to offshore detention in Manus...

Coalition’s new climate policy a roadmap to nowhere

As the triple crises in health, the economy and the climate rage on, the Coalition government continues to subsidise fossil fuel projects and avoid seriously cutting emissions.While the consequences...

Draconian new security law imposed on Hong Kong

With the passage of a new national security law, the Chinese government is attempting to quash Hong Kong’s protest movement.

Trump desperate and dangerous as his COVID death toll grows

Donald Trump is growing desperate as his hopes for re-election fade, following his chaotic blundering over the COVID-19 crisis. He has fallen 15 per cent behind his Democratic rival...

Racist government policies fuel deaths in custody

Paddy Gibson examines how racist government policies have led to the surge in Indigenous imprisonment and deaths in custody

Malcolm X—fighting racism by any means necessary

Cooper Forsyth looks at the ideas of one of the US’s most uncompromising fighters against racism, and what they have to teach the Black Lives Matter movement todayThe racism...

Who will pay for the crisis this time?

A global pandemic has exposed just how fragile the world economy already was. Tomáš Tengely-Evans examines why capitalism constantly creates economic crises

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