Issue 6 - Aug

Return to ration days in NT

ANTI-INTERVENTION campaigners Barbara Shaw, Paddy Gibson and Nat Wasley recently traveled to Tennant Creek to find out about how the intervention is affecting people’s lives. They spoke to Margaret...

Protest can deal blow to NSW privatisation

WITH MORRIS Iemma’s position as NSW premier looking ever more fragile, a further demonstration against his proposed power sell-off will be held on September 20. There needs to be...

Unions join climate action at Newcastle camp

ON JULY 15, 150 people including Climate Camp participants, local Newcastle residents, and unionists, held a lively picket of NSW Treasurer and climate change denier Michael Costa, against electricity...

Involving members key to change in CPSU

IN THE wake of the federal election victory for Labor, the CPSU is holding a series of Agenda For Change discussions around the country. The first discussion was attended...

NSW public sector: ‘2.5 per cent is a joke’

HUNDREDS OF workers rallied across NSW on July 30 against the NSW government’s attempt to cap public sector pay rises at 2.5 per cent. Public sector workers from the...

NSW teachers prepare for action against pay cap

NSW TEACHERS are to take industrial action in August unless the NSW government commences negotiations on teacher provision and salaries. The action of stopwork meetings followed by rolling stoppages...

Victorian Labor backs new coal-fired power plant

COAL TECHNOLOGY company HRL (run by Channel Seven boss Kerry Stokes), the Chinese corporation Harbin Power and the Brumby Government have signed a formal contract to build a new...

ETS: bad for climate, bad for workers

AT THE heart of both Ross Garnaut’s interim report and the Rudd government’s Green Paper is the proposals for an Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS). The ETS is presented as...

Greenpeace Energy [r]evolution report

AUSTRALIA’S ENERGY evolution is a useful tool for the climate movement. Greenpeace researchers have drawn together the best science and technology to build a concrete and achievable vision of...

Italy’s Communists shift left after defeat

THE LARGEST party of the European radical left, Rifondazione Comunista of Italy, held its national congress in July and made a decisive shift to the left. This was a...

Global credit crisis continues to deepen

MANY ANALYSTS thought the worst of the credit crisis passed four months ago, when the US Federal Reserve orchestrated a bailout of investment bank Bear Stearns. But recent events...

G8 leaders refuse to commit to carbon cuts

YET AGAIN the presidents and prime ministers of the richest countries have put their “national interests” ahead of the need for urgent cuts in carbon emissions. In Japan last month...

Afghanistan–Obama’s ‘good’ war goes from bad to worse

ONLY A few months ago Democrats’ presidential nominee Barack Obama was a source of hope for those wanting to see an end to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan....

Olympics no force for democracy

OLYMPIC CHIEF Jacques Rogge said in 2005 that, “the staging of the Beijing games will do a lot for human rights.” In fact, staging the Olympics has already thrown...

Western hypocrisy over human rights in China

REMEMBER TIBET? Only six months ago, as Chinese authorities cracked down on Tibetan protesters, there was widespread talk of an Olympic boycott by major world leaders. But as the...

Nationalism and the Olympics

SHORT OF war, sport between nations is the best way to generate, express and manufacture “national pride”. How else can you “go for” your country? Millions of people enjoy sport....

The fight for same sex marriage rights under Labor

Amy Thomas looks at Howard's homophobic legislation and Rudd's continuation of his legacy-and what we can do to fight itJohn Howard won the 1996 election promising to govern for...

The whole world was watching: the 1968 Democratic convention

With Barack Obama set to accept the Democratic nomination for president in Denver on August 28, Mark Goudkamp looks back on the turbulent events surrounding the 1968 Democratic Party...

‘Socialism, yes, occupation, no!’ Czechoslovakia 1968

James Robertson details the history of 1968 in Czechoslovakia, when masses of workers and students challenged the Stalinist order, calling for "socialism with a human face".FROM BERKELEY, California to...

The Tall Man: Death and Life on Palm Island

By Chloe Hooper, Hamish Hamilton, $32.95CHLOE HOOPER, a novelist whose first book won international praise, recently released The Tall Man, a book on the Palm Island inquest into the...

Inside the Al Sadr movement

Review: Muqtada Al-Sadr and the Fall of Iraq By Patrick Cockburn, Allen and Unwin $29.95BY A strange coincidence the place where the first US soldier was killed by a roadside...

Obituary: Colin Campbell

COLIN CAMPBELL passed away on July 17, a comrade and member of Solidarity/ISO for over three years. He worked in homeless men’s shelters for 10 years, not for the...


Letters on gay marriage rights, World Youth day, Cuba and NSW Labor's crisis Marriage a dubious right Contrary to the belief that same-sex marriage is a right I argue that it...

Walter Shaw from Mt Nancy town camp speaks out

THE RUDD government is set to hand down its “review” of the Northern Territory intervention at the end of September. All signs point to Rudd retaining the racist policies...

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