Labor’s cost of living band-aids in budget leave real problems ignored

Labor’s budget is about making it look like the government is acting on the cost of living, in the hope of dampening the anger workers feel about it in time for an election in the next year.

Labor backs more money for weapons in $330 billion plan

In the run-up to the budget, Labor unveiled its new National Defence Strategy, announcing over $330 billion in spending on new weapons and military hardware over the next decade as it gears up for war on China.

Unions support Palestine at Sydney 1 May rally

Thousands of workers downed tools to march through Sydney on 1 May, with construction and maritime unions making May Day an annual stop work rally.

Labor locks in gas expansion in new crime against the climate

Labor’s new gas strategy pledges its support for a massive fossil fuel expansion, going all out to back mining industry profits.

Approval laws delayed in further effort to do the bidding of coal and gas industry

New environmental protection laws promised before the last election have been put indefinitely on hold, in another effort by the Albanese government to serve the coal and gas industry.

Ukraine faltering as US agrees to feed in more weapons

After months of delays, the US Congress has approved a further $90 billion of aid as Ukraine faces growing pressure from fresh Russian advances.

Haunting Holocaust film that resonates amid Gaza genocide

Director Jonathan Glazer’s speech after winning Best Picture at this year’s Academy Awards punctured the banality of the ceremony.

Direct action, mass protests and the fight for Palestine

Direct action protests that disrupt business as usual should not be seen as an end in themselves but as part of a broader strategy of mass action, writes Adam Adelpour

Frantz Fanon—Decolonisation and violence

Frantz Fanon’s writings on racism and the difference between colonial violence and violent resistance to it remain valuable today, writes Miro Sandev

Blood for oil—Why the West arms Israel

Control of the Middle East has been a key focus for the world’s big powers due to its immense reserves of oil, and Israel remains vital to preserving it, writes James Supple

End systemic pressures inside the family to end violence against women

The problem is not straightforwardly men’s power over women but the unbearable pressure on everybody to perform socially recognisable gender roles in a nuclear family.

Melbourne Uni students occupy to cut ties with Israel

Students at Melbourne Uni have occupied the Arts West building three weeks after they began their encampment in solidarity with Gaza.

NTEU at Sydney Uni backs the academic boycott of Israeli universities

Sydney University staff have passed an unprecedented motion that will push forward the movement in Australia for the boycott, divestment and sanction of Israel.

Albanese keeps backing Israel even as aid workers murdered

After six months of slaughter, Israel’s atrocities in Gaza are becoming more and more obscene.

Australia’s defence industry is arming Israel’s genocide

Recent months have seen an increasing number of protests directed at the arms industry in Australia and its role in Israel’s genocide in Gaza.

Pine Gap aiding Israel’s war

Spy base Pine Gap is almost certainly playing a key role feeding intelligence to Israel for use against Gaza.

Albanese’s weakness risks LGBTIQ+ rights in schools

In a fresh demonstration of the federal government’s cowardice, Anthony Albanese has sought Peter Dutton’s support to take a bipartisan approach to religious discrimination laws that risk opening LGBTIQ+ people up to further bigotry.

AUKUS and the nuclear subs: delayed, dirty and dangerous

The AUKUS military pact is burning huge sums of money and has the potential to make Australia a global destination for nuclear waste, as well as accelerating the drive to war between China and the US.

Dutton’s nuclear push intended to delay climate action

The Coalition’s Peter Dutton has launched a push for nuclear power. The move is a product of hostility to any serious increase in renewable energy.

Labor governments set to throw more Indigenous kids in prison

State governments nationwide are stepping up their war on Indigenous kids, with measures that will see more children in jail.

Labor wants Trump-like powers to deport refugees

The new Bill is Labor’s latest shocking, and desperate, measure to trash refugee rights.

Despite Labor’s claims, cost of living still rising faster than wages

Workers are still feeling the cost of living crunch, with Anthony Albanese refusing to do anything that would make a real difference.

Modi’s Islamophobia on full display as India faces election

Prime Minister Narendra Modi is on track to win India’s upcoming election, giving him a third term in office and allowing him to cement his reactionary and racist agenda.

Antisemitism and the origins of Zionism

Zionism emerged as a response to antisemitism in Europe but its aim of building a state with the support of imperialist powers has proven disastrous, writes Jacob Starling

How colonial war led to revolution in Portugal

The revolution in Portugal beginning 50 years ago in 1974 with a revolt in the army, saw workers take control of hundreds of factories, writes Luke Ottavi

How Indonesia’s people fought colonial rule

A new book by author David Van Reybrouck reveals a fascinating history of resistance to colonialism in Indonesia, writes Simon Basketter

The hidden history of Jewish anti-Zionism and radicalism

Clare Fester reviews a new book that looks at the history of Jewish working class radicalism and struggle that Zionism has sought to hide.

Albanese an accessory to murder as Israel bombs and starves Gaza

After five months and well over 31,000 dead, there is no end in sight to Israel’s onslaught on Gaza.

Israel starving Gazans to death

Gaza is on the brink of widespread starvation, with Israel refusing international appeals to let aid shipments in.

Student Gaza protest shows challenge ahead

The nationwide “Student Strike for Palestine” on 29 February showed both the potential and the striking amount of work still to be done to win students to taking action over Gaza.

Smears of antisemitism over Palestine ring hollow

As the death toll mounts and hunger stalks Gaza, supporters of Israel are finding it harder to defend the genocide. Instead, they are turning to smearing supporters of Palestine as antisemitic.

Labor’s naval build-up pours billions more into war

In late February, the war-hawk Minister for Defence, Richard Marles, announced Labor would spend an extra $11.1 billion to double the number of Navy surface ships, taking total naval spending in the next decade to an eye-wateringly obscene $54.2 billion.

‘I’m comfortable’ says Albanese as Labor embraces offshore detention

When 39 asylum-seekers were discovered at Beagle Bay, 150 kilometres north of Broome on 19 February, Opposition leader and former offshore detention jailer, Peter Dutton, thought he was on a winner for the Dunkley by-election just a couple of weeks away on 2 March.

Victory for strikers at Egypt’s Mahalla factory

Thousands of workers at Egypt’s Mahalla Spinning and Weaving Company have won pay rises after a week-long strike.

Western alarm as Russia makes gains in Ukraine proxy war

The two-year anniversary of the war in Ukraine was marked by the Russian capture of the strategically important Ukrainian city of Avdiivka.

Fallujah—how the US murdered a city

The US assault on Fallujah in 2004 was one of the US’s worst war crimes in Iraq. Angus Dermody explains how the US set out to crush resistance to foreign occupation

The First Intifada: When Palestinians rose up against Israel

The Palestinian Intifada that began in 1987 exposed the brutality of life under occupation and how Palestinians have no choice but to organise resistance, writes Maeve Larkins.

Gomeroi win in the Federal Court: now kill off gas in the Pilliga

Gomeroi people have won a stunning legal victory over gas giant Santos, as the Federal Court upheld an appeal against a Native Title Tribunal ruling from December 2022.

A new McCarthyism: War and the crackdown on support for Palestine

Repression of Palestine activism echoes the crackdown during previous wars, argue James Supple and Tom Orsag.

ASU members walk off work for Palestine

Union members in social and community services in Melbourne took up to four hours of unprotected strike action for Palestine on Friday 22 February.

Israeli attack on UNRWA aid another genocidal act

Israel’s allegations against the UNRWA aid organisation in Gaza have been rapidly exposed as lies.

ZIM, blockades and the unions: Lessons from Webb Dock

For almost four days in January protest action with workers refusing to cross the community picket succeeded in preventing work on the ZIM shipping-line at Webb Dock in Melbourne.

DP World workers make big gains on pay but fall short on rosters

After more than four months of determined industrial action, wharfies at DP World port terminals have won a 25.6 per cent pay rise over four years, while accepting changes to rostering.

Labor extending the life of coal and gas amid climate emergency

The NSW Labor government is set to lock in more pollution through extending the life of Eraring, the country’s largest coal-fired power station.

Corruption shows offshore detention is rotten to the core—Labor can’t hide

The long-awaited review of Australia’s offshore detention was finally made public on 12 February, confirming all the issues with corruption that have been known for years.

Charges against police possible over Jai Wright death

Criminal charges are being considered against a police officer over the death of 16-year-old Jai Wright, after the NSW Coroner suspended the inquest after two days on 30 January.

Mass protests target German AfD as far right on the rise

About 1.4 million people marched across Germany at the end of January against the far right AfD (Alternative for Germany) party.

Myanmar’s generals face defeat

A new armed offensive poses a major challenge to Myanmar’s military dictatorship after years of resistance, writes Vivian Honan.

Hamas and the politics of Palestinian resistance

Hamas grew out of the legitimate Palestinian resistance to Israel’s violence, writes James Supple, but its focus on armed struggle has not delivered liberation.

Why capitalism breeds imperialism and war

Isabel Ringrose explains that imperialism is about more than major countries dominating the smaller ones.

Israel set to launch murderous assault on Rafah as Albanese sits by

With more than 30,000 dead and much of Gaza reduced to rubble Israel’s genocidal assault shows no sign of relenting.

Western attacks on Yemen risk spreading war

The attacks on Yemen show that President Joe Biden’s calls for Israel to exercise “restraint” are hollow hypocrisy.

‘Why we went on strike for Palestine’

Union members at the Foundation for Young Australians across the country joined the Global Strike for Gaza, demanding their employer make a statement of solidarity with Palestine.

Iran’s ‘axis of resistance’ can’t bring the challenge to imperialism needed

The Houthis are part of what some commentators have called an “axis of resistance” in the Middle East linked to Iran.

Mass action and union support key for protests against Zim shipping

The government’s continued backing for the genocide in Gaza has raised the question of what kind of movement can break its support for apartheid Israel.

Palestine movement should welcome dissenting Labor members

Palestine activists should encourage Labor members to support our demands and seek to draw them into the movement.

Victorian teachers defy intimidation to support Palestine

As Israel ramped up its genocide, and or own state and federal education ministers threw their weight behind it, teachers in Victoria used our rank-and-file networks and the Trade Unionists for Palestine campaign to take collective action.

After the Voice, Albanese’s inaction on Indigenous rights is exposed

The failure of the Voice to Parliament referendum has exposed Anthony Albanese’s commitment to racist policies and severe neglect in Indigenous Affairs.

US still backing Ukraine proxy war despite bloody cost

Even with the war in Ukraine stuck at a bloody impasse, the US and NATO are determined to keep the killing going to further their own interests in a proxy war with Russia.

World leaders at COP28 still on course for climate catastrophe

Despite the overwhelming evidence that serious action is urgently needed to avoid the worst impacts of the climate crisis, 2023’s UN climate summit COP28 provided nothing in the way of solutions.

Indigenous activist Ray Peckham: How unions helped stop segregation in the 1960s

Paddy Gibson spoke to Indigenous activist Ray Peckham about the fight against segregation and the Aboriginal Welfare Board, and how trade unions aided the struggle

How the Arab nationalist revolt challenged imperialism

The national independence movements of the 1950s fought Western imperialism, but the states that resulted were not capable of winning real liberation, writes Miro Sandev

How Labor supported Israel’s bloody birth in 1948

The Australian Labor Party’s leaders have backed Israel from the beginning, playing a key role in the UN partition plan in 1947 that triggered the Nakba, writes Tom Orsag.

Albanese government rejects ‘premise’ of genocide as Israel faces world court

Israel’s “genocidal acts” in Gaza have been laid out in meticulous detail in South Africa’s case at the International Court of Justice.

Labor’s migration policy puts profit before people

Labor is fuelling racist views about migration, announcing a major crackdown on the number of people entering Australia to study or work.

Israel threatens wider war on Lebanon against Hezbollah resistance

Israel is threatening to widen its war into Lebanon.

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