Strike wins big pay rises for 1000 Woolies workers in Sydney

Woolies Warehouse workers in Sydney have won a 16 per cent pay rise over three years after a solid 24 hour strike.

Australia’s Medevac catch-22 means no medical help for refugees

Since February, just 160 people have been transferred from Manus and Nauru for medical treatment. The government is deliberately delaying medical treatment to those being transferred.

Here we Joh again: Queensland Labor cracks down on protest

The Queensland Labor government pushed through new laws aimed at environmental protests in late October. Protesters caught using complex lock-on devices will face massive fines or even jail—up to $6500 or two years in prison for people who block transport infrastructure.

University of Melbourne casuals are fighting back

Casuals at the University of Melbourne have delivered a blow to the myth that casual workers are too insecure and vulnerable to stand up and fight for their rights.

Back to the weekend—New Zealand casino workers fight to get back penalty rates

Hundreds of SkyCity Casino workers in Auckland, New Zealand are striking every weekend to win back weekend penalty rates. Solidarity’s Erima Dall spoke to Tina Barnett, who works on the game floor at the casino.

Dramatic British election to decide on Brexit and Jeremy Corbyn

Britain is headed to the polls on 12 December in an election that will determine not just the fate of Brexit but the future of Labour’s radical shift to the left under Jeremy Corbyn.

Versailles—How Australia demanded colonies of its own as spoils of war

Tom Orsag looks at Australia’s rotten role in the Versailles Peace Conference 100 years on

As climate change melts the Arctic, all oil companies see are new chances for profit

Trump is moving to sell off leases over 1.6 million acres of the Arctic, opening the area up to oil and gas exploration for the first time.

Exploring a world in revolt

With anti-government movements erupting across the globe, Sadie Robinson looks at the root causes and how the struggles can win

Gandhi and civil disobedience—a strategy for movements today?

Lachlan Marshall reviews Talat Ahmed's new book that examines Gandhi’s ideas and the role of his non-violent civil disobedience in the struggle for Indian independence

1619—How slavery in the US began

Four hundred years ago the first Africans were sold into the future United States. But at that point racialised slavery, and racist ideology, were yet to develop

Editorial: Morrison channels Trump as Liberals’ right-wing agenda exposed

Scott Morrison didn’t just visit Donald Trump on his trip to the US—he started channelling him.

Cops crackdown on Extinction Rebellion—defend the right to protest

Extinction Rebellion actions blocking traffic and producing dozens of arrests have ignited a media backlash. Police have launched a major crackdown.

Replace Liddell with renewable energy—no extensions for coal

The ageing Liddell coal power station is at the heart of a battle over the future of energy generation in Australia.

Sydney Uni students’ Climate Strike success

Around 2200 students and staff from the University of Sydney marched to join the Climate Strike on 20 September. This was the largest student mobilisation for the strike in the country and the biggest student rally at the university in the last decade.

Unions back climate strike for jobs and secure future

The union turnout on 20 September was a crucial step towards putting jobs and workers’ rights at the centre of the climate fight.

Tram and train companies attack workers and the right to strike

Workers at Yarra Trams and Metro Trains in Melbourne are fighting private operators who want to increase casualisation and deny workers the right to strike.

Defend Medevac, but fight to open the borders

The battlelines over Medevac are already drawn. Eleven peak medical colleges, as well as the AMA, have publicly called on the government not to repeal the Medevac legislation.

Abortion finally decriminalised in NSW despite right-wing mobilisation

Women’s rights advocates are celebrating after abortion was finally removed from the 119-year-old Crimes Act in NSW.After months of debate, the Abortion Law Reform Bill (previously the Reproductive Health Care...

More towns set to run out of water this summer

The NSW government has set aside $2 million to cart water by truck, admitting that there are 40 towns across the state with less than six months of water left.

Kurds abandoned by US imperialism—again

Turkey has begun a military offensive against Kurdish areas of northern Syria, after US President Donald Trump announced the withdrawal of US troops giving the green light for the operation.

Hong Kong fights on amid moves towards emergency rule

The uprising in Hong Kong has successfully forced the withdrawal of the hated extradition bill. But protesters are not prepared to trust Chief Executive Carrie Lam and have continued hitting the streets in their hundreds of thousands.

Students shot dead as West Papua protests continue

Lethal violence from the Indonesian military and security forces has generated an “unprecedented crisis” in West Papua, according to human rights lawyer Veronica Koman.

Largest protests since 1998 shake Indonesia

Tens of thousands joined mass protests across Indonesia in September—the largest the country has seen since the movement in 1998 that brought down the dictator Suharto.

Exposing state secrets—and the danger of the US alliance

Journalist Brian Toohey has spent decades investigating the secrets of Australia “security state”, embarrassing ASIO, Defence officials and successive governments.

Why green business can’t solve climate change

The trillions invested in fossil fuels and the cost of shifting to alternatives economy-wide means green business cannot solve the climate crisis, writes Lachlan Marshall

What causes domestic violence?

Lucy Honan looks at a new book by award-winning journalist Jess Hill on the causes of domestic violence—and what can be done about it

Is the media all powerful?

Despite the role the media plays in reinforcing right-wing ideas, its power is often overstated—and it can clash with workers’ own experience of life, argues Ruby Wawn

Workers and the climate movement have the power to strike back

Scott Morrison’s government still supports burning fossil fuels. Instead of closing coal power stations, it wants to extend the life of the power plant at Liddell.

Australian neo-colonialism and the climate crisis in the Pacific

The Australian government’s performance at the Pacific Island Forum laid bare a ruthless agenda of regional domination and profit making at all costs.

Shipyard workers occupy for climate jobs

An ongoing struggle in Belfast has seen militant workers at the Harland and Wolff shipyard call for re-nationalisation of the site and jobs in renewable energy.

Why 100 per cent renewable energy requires public ownership

Penny Howard argues that public spending and ownership are the only way to ensure a rapid transition to 100 per cent renewable energy—and to protect workers’ jobs

Berejiklian pandering to anti-choice bigots on abortion bill

In an effort to appease the bigots in her party, Premier Gladys Berejiklian delayed the vote on the abortion bill and is considering amendments.

Don’t side with xenophobia about threat from China

Recent weeks have seen a growing campaign against “Chinese influence” in Australia, mainly from right-wing figures in the Liberal Party.

Indigenous families fight deaths in custody and police failures

On 21 August hundreds protested in Sydney in an outpouring of support for Indigenous families in NSW who have lost relatives in police custody, or in suspicious circumstances where police failed to investigate.

Liberals announce new rights to religious bigotry

The Liberals’ new religious discrimination bill is designed to undermine the victory for marriage equality and promote the right to spread bigotry.

Tory crisis as Boris threatens Brexit crash out

Boris Johnson’s determination to exit the EU on 31 October, deal or no deal, has created an enormous political crisis in the UK.

Concession will not stop movement in Hong Kong

A mass pro-democracy movement has forced Hong Kong’s chief executive Carrie Lam to grant a major concession. But many protesters are vowing to continue their struggle until all of their demands are met.

West Papua rises up against Indonesian occupation

West Papua has erupted as demands for self-determination have fuelled the largest protests in years.

Australia backs Trump’s aggression over Iran

Scott Morrison has added Australia to what US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo calls a “global coalition” against Iran.

A dream betrayed by racism and exclusion

The Australian Dream is a powerful documentary on racism in Australia, but it misses an opportunity to also expose the racist nature of Australian nationalism.

Climate rebellion, civil disobedience and system change

Civil disobedience can strengthen the campaign for climate action, but on its own it lacks the power to bring fundamental change, writes James Supple

The Black Jacobins—Haiti’s slave revolution

David Glanz tells the story of the slave revolution in Haiti that defeated the combined might of European imperialism to win its freedom

Not ended, relocated: Manus detention transferred to Port Moresby

In the last few weeks, all but five of the people detained on Manus have been transferred to Port Moresby. But the relocation does not signal the end of offshore detention in PNG, and the refugees are no closer to freedom.

Editorial: Morrison locks in low wages and climate crisis

The world economy is facing a renewed crisis, as the prospect of an escalating trade war between the US and China sends stockmarkets sliding.The Morrison government is feeding the global turmoil, agreeing...

As the climate crisis accelerates, strike back on 20 September

The climate crisis is rapidly accelerating. July was the hottest month since records began. This is leading to a new wave of climate activism.

Morrison’s new attack on CFMMEU and the right to strike

The Morrison government has launched a fresh attack on trade unions with a new bill that would even further hamper their ability to organise.

DP World strike action forces company to lift job cuts threat

DP World’s threat to cut 200 jobs was, “corporate bullying and intimidation using the livelihoods of wharfies in an attempt to intimidate the workforce into accepting anything the company wants,” according to Warren Smith, Maritime Union of Australia Assistant National Secretary.

Immigration dirty tricks open Bomana

In the early hours of 12 August, 52 asylum seekers were rounded up and taken to the new detention centre annexed to the Bomana Prison in Port Moresby.

‘Six years is too long without my family’: Refugees protest visa limbo

Frustrated and desperate after six years in Australia, refugees on temporary visas have gathered to protest the denial of rights due to the government’s removal of permanent protection visas.

NSW set to decriminalise abortion

A bill to decriminalise abortion in NSW passed the lower house of state parliament on 8 August, overturning an archaic law written 119 years ago.

UQ protests feed into xenophobia against China

Protests that began as a show of solidarity with Hong Kong have turned into a xenophobic campaign against “Chinese influence” at the University of Queensland.

Terf wars: protesting transphobia at Melbourne Uni

Over 100 students and staff at the University of Melbourne took part in a protest in early August against an event hosted by the so-called Victorian Women’s Guild (VWG), a new transphobic lobby group formed around opposition to the Andrews Government’s proposed gender recognition reforms.

Hong Kong rises up against repression

Hong Kong’s extraordinary protest movement has now lasted over ten weeks. Every weekend brings new demonstrations, and battles with police.

Support for Ihumatoa forces Ardern to halt development on Maori land

An extraordinary 500-strong occupation by local Maori at Ihumatoa has galvanised massive opposition to plans to build 500 high-cost dwellings on culturally significant land for tangata whenua (Indigenous people of the land).

Glorifying the butchery of the Vietnam War

There are a lot of books written about the Battle of Long Tan that try to portray the battle as a victory for the Australian military. Now there is a film, Danger Close.

Marxism and ecology

Karl Marx argued that capitalism was a system that distorts humanity’s relationship to the environment

Deregistration—union busting the BLF

Tom Orsag looks at how deregistration in 1986 virtually destroyed the Builders Labourers Federation, in a warning for unions facing the same thing today

Chernobyl—why nuclear power is not the answer

The new TV series Chernobyl has reawakened interest in the shocking nuclear disaster. Michael Douglas looks at the lessons and why nuclear is no solution to climate change

Lessons from the last climate movement

A large grassroots climate movement emerged from 2008—but the decision to defend the carbon tax sent it into decline, writes Chris Breen

Editorial: Strike back for jobs and climate as Scott Morrison prepares new attacks

Scott Morrison’s first move since the election has been to lock in massive tax cuts for the rich.

Workers and unions organise to join September’s Climate Strike

Unionists are gearing up to join the next Strike for Climate on 20 September.

NT government declares open season for gas fracking

Fracking is set to resume in the Northern Territory, with the Territory government finalising a Code of Practice for gas companies.

Fast ferry workers strike against casualisation and low pay

Workers at Manly Fast Ferries in Sydney have staged a series of strikes fighting for better pay, secure jobs and safety.

Liberals put their surplus above jobs and the economy

Scott Morrison went to the election boasting about the “strong economy” that six years of Liberal government had delivered. That claim has already unravelled.

Iran crisis: Why US aggression is to blame

The Trump administration and a coterie of allies—including Australia—are ratcheting up aggression against Iran and another disastrous war in the region shouldn’t be ruled out.

Syriza’s downfall in Greece is a crucial lesson for the left

Greece’s once-radical left-wing party Syriza was booted out of government in elections in early July—after four years of enforcing austerity and racism.

Vietnam and the 1960s student rebellion

The US student movement in the 1960s began by rejecting ideology and the ‘old left’, but was soon forced to grapple with the power of capitalism and the state, says Sophie Cotton

An imperialist outpost in Asia

Clinton Fernandes spoke to Solidarity about his new book on the history of Australian foreign policy, Island off the coast of AsiaYour book covers a broad sweep of Australian history...

No Medevac repeal: Break Morrison’s blockade, Bring them here

As expected, in the first sitting of the new Parliament, Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton moved to repeal the Medevac Bill.

Editorial: Labor moves right—but struggle can stop Morrison

Scott Morrison may have won the election. But his government has a very thin majority—and plenty of problems ahead.

Coalition backs funding for coal and gas power

Since their re-election, the Coalition has made it clear there will be no change to their useless climate policies.

Increasing powers have let security state off the leash

Dramatic Federal Police raids on the media have sparked alarm over press freedom and the growing powers of Australia’s security state.

Religious freedom no excuse for Folau’s homophobia

The right has seized upon the sacking of football superstar Israel Folau to further a homophobic campaign in the name of “religious freedoms”.

Players are right to boycott the national anthem

Indigenous players caused a storm by refusing to sing the Australian national anthem during the opening State of Origin rugby league game in Brisbane in early June.

Courtney Herron’s death exposes housing failure for homeless

On 25 May, the body of yet another young woman was found in a Melbourne park. Her name was Courtney Herron. She was only 25, had struggled with addiction issues and she was homeless.

Sudan’s revolution hangs in the balance

Over 100 people have been murdered in a soaring wave of brutal attacks on Sudan’s revolution.

Trump’s war on women and abortion rights

The United States is a dangerous place to be a woman. An onslaught of laws has chipped away at abortion rights since Donald Trump’s inauguration as president two and a half years ago.

Why didn’t workers trust Labor?

Labor was unable to win over working class voters at the election with its promises of change—reflecting long term decline in its class roots and credibility, writes James Supple

Fighting for climate jobs, pay and union rights

New jobs in renewable energy and low emissions industries need to be well-paid and unionised if workers are going to welcome them as an alternative writes Penny Howard

Tiananmen square—30 years since China’s revolt

In 1989 students in Beijing sparked an upheaval that drew in millions of ordinary workers, and spread all across the country, writes Mark Goudkamp

Don’t let Dutton repeal Medevac Bill

Since the election of the Morrison government, Manus Island and Port Moresby have become a pit of despair.

The Liberals are the real thugs, Albanese is doing the bosses’ dirty work—But Setka should stand down

The campaign against John Setka, Victorian branch secretary of the CFMEU, has reached fever pitch. But the domestic violence charges against Setka are a very serious issue.

Teachers stage historic mega-strike in New Zealand to rebuild public education

Aotearoa/New Zealand’s largest ever nationwide education “mega-strike” took place on Wednesday 29 May.

Editorial: Election shock—but Morrison can be fought

The election result has shocked everyone—from the pollsters to the pundits, Labor and even Scott Morrison himself.

Change the Rules never seriously mobilised workers

Thousands of union members gave up their time to doorknock, phone-bank and staff polling booths for Change the Rules. But the campaign has been a spectacular flop.

Mental health crisis but offshore detention can still be fought

Although the Liberal government made a big show of re-opening the Christmas Island detention centre in the lead-up to the election, refugees were hardly mentioned during the campaign.

Labor never campaigned on clear call to tax the rich

In the aftermath of Labor’s shock loss, commentators have blamed its plans as too radical and ambitious. But the real failure was their unwillingness to fight for their policies as attacks on the rich.

Election result shows why climate action must mean a fight for jobs

The election result was a heavy blow that has left many supporters of climate action reeling.

New Labor leader Albanese moves the party right

Anthony Albanese, a leading figure in the party’s left faction, is set to be elected as new leader of the Labor Party unopposed. Even the right-wing of the party is backing him.

Greens hold seats but pitch to Liberal voters

Against expectations, The Greens held their seats at the election, winning a Senator in each state and re-electing Adam Bandt in Melbourne.

More Black deaths in custody as police inflict brutal trauma

In April, the family of Yorta Yorta woman Tanya Day led a vigil to mark 26 years since the release of the landmark report of the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody.

New campaign fights to decriminalise abortion in NSW

A new lobbying group, the Pro-Choice Alliance, formed by 60 medical and health organisations around NSW, has shone a light on the state’s archaic and sexist abortion laws.

The push to ban NAPLAN at Mount Alexander

There has been more criticism of NAPLAN after outages disrupted this year’s online tests. State governments are continuing to push to replace it.AEU members at Mount Alexander College first took a...

Jokowi wins Indonesian election after cave in to religious conservatism

Incumbent Joko Widodo has claimed victory in the 2019 Indonesian presidential election against Prabowo Subianto.

Venezuelan coup collapses, but dangers remain for Maduro

Juan Guaido’s farcical coup attempt in Venezuela collapsed within hours. But the threat remains—as the crisis in the country continues and the US continues its sabre rattling against the left-wing government of...

Caster Semenya, sport and sex tests

“Hell no.” This was the response from two time Olympic champion Caster Semenya after the athletics governing body ruled that she would need to take testosterone lowering medication to continue to compete in the women’s division of her two best events.

Bob Hawke—Australia’s Thatcher

Bob Hawke has been lauded for his consensus politics, but he waged a brutal assault on unions and Labor’s own working class supporters, argues Ian Rintoul

Extinction rebellion manifesto—How do we build a climate movement that wins?

Extinction Rebellion founder, Roger Hallam, has published his ideas on how to build a movement that can win real change. Sadie Robinson responds

Forging unity in struggle

The Communist International, founded 100 years ago, was the scene of rich debates about how socialists can work in common struggle with other parties, writes Lachlan MarshallThe Liberals’ re-election poses...

Lessons from Labor’s last time in power

The last Labor government was ultimately destroyed by its determination to defend the interests of big business and manage capitalism, writes Mark Gillespie

Rich reap the real benefits from Morrison’s tax handouts

The tax cuts at the centre of Morrison’s budget were a transparent effort to buy votes.

Morrison’s migration policy is racist scapegoating

Just days after the Christchurch killings, Scott Morrison was back on the racist dogwhistle, announcing a cut to immigration.Morrison blamed immigration for congestion in Sydney and Melbourne and said his plan was about,...

Fight over Manus and Nauru far from finished

The last six years of the Coalition has taken refugee scapegoating to new levels. But voting Green or Labor is not going to end offshore detention, nor end mandatory detention.

Unions and Aboriginal people unite to save Deebing Creek

A developer has backed down and allowed the protest camp at Deebing Creek to remain after unionists and Aboriginal people united to hold off police

How could Labor lose the NSW election?

The Liberals have held on to government in NSW, winning a narrow majority in parliament after Labor slumped following a disastrous final week of the campaign for Labor’s Michael Daley.

Jacinda Ardern has pandered to racism too, says New Zealand activist

Joe Carolan, an activist with Love Aotearoa Hate Racism and member of Socialist Aotearoa, spoke about racism in New Zealand in the aftermath of the Christchurch massacreAfter the horror...

People power protests in Algeria topple dictator

Mass protests in Algeria have forced 82-year-old dictator Abdelaziz Bouteflika to resign after 20 years in power. Since 22 February, protesters have taken to the streets every Friday to...

British parliament inept and paralysed in Brexit farce

Michael Roth, Germany’s Europe minister, recently called Brexit a “big shitshow”.The show continues with no end in sight after British Tory Prime Minister Theresa May failed at her third attempt...

Winning a 100 per cent renewable revolution

The transition to 100 per cent renewable energy could happen by 2030, writes Chris Breen, but will require far more ambition than either Labor, let alone the Liberals, will muster

The Comintern—launching a global movement for revolution

One hundred years ago a small meeting in Russia founded the Third or Communist International, winning millions of supporters within months, writes Tom Orsag

Editorial: Kick the Liberals out and start the fight for real change

Between now and 18 May we need more mass stopwork rallies and demonstrations to kick out the Coalition government on the best possible terms.

Interview: Islamophobia, the far right and anti-racism in France

Jad Bouharoun will visit Australia in April to speak at the Keep Left conference. He spoke to Solidarity about the fight against racism and the far right in France

Editorial: Strike back against Morrison—build the fight for change

Scott Morrison is staring down the barrel of defeat. Nothing he’s tried has lifted the government in the polls.

Putting government investment in renewables on the agenda

The most straightforward way to begin cutting emissions is to replace all the coal and gas-fired power stations with renewable energy.

Climate campaign must fight for jobs, not just target Adani

The Adani mine should be stopped. But there is a big gap between Stop Adani and the kind of platform of demands we need to stop runaway climate change.

Desperate Morrison plays Christmas Island card

The passing of the Medivac Bill has driven the government into a frenzy of desperation and hate-mongering. Scott Morrison declared himself to be “a brick wall”. But he knows that the Bill has punched a hole in the wall of offshore detention.

How the last security scare over refugees came to nothing

We have heard the same scaremongering about refugees being a risk to “national security” many times before.

Hypocrisy of the system surrounds George Pell

It is not Pell himself that the Murdoch journalists and the former Liberal Prime Ministers are rushing to defend so much as the Catholic Church itself

Aboriginal communities demand water to save the rivers

On 3 March, Aboriginal people led demonstrations across Western NSW, demanding urgent action as rivers forming the Murray Darling system are killed by corporate greed.

Fight against LGBTI discrimination in schools far from over

On February 9 up to 100 people rallied in Melbourne to oppose discrimination in schools against LGBTI teachers and students.

Does Venezuela’s crisis show socialism can’t work?

Venezuela's crisis shows what happens when there is a partial challenge to the rich. It is not an example of too much socialism, but rather not enough.

The proud union history of defying the law—needed now more than ever

“Our movement’s most important achievements were won by breaking unjust laws, because it has nearly always been illegal to take strike action”, writes ACTU Secretary Sally McManus in her...

Sending in the army: How Labor broke the 1949 coal strike

Even in its supposed golden age, a Labor government was prepared to use all the tools at its disposal to wage war on unionism and break a strike, writes David Glanz

Iran 1979: an opportunity squandered

Forty years ago protests in Iran rolled over into a revolution. John Rose tells a tale of huge potential brutally suppressed.

Capitalism vs the climate: Why we need system change

The action needed to avert climate catastrophe means fighting the logic of capitalism and profit, argues James Supple

Editorial: Strike out Morrison’s Coalition of climate deniers

The Liberals are in chaos as they head for a crushing defeat at May’s federal election.

Liberals humiliated over refugee medical transfers

The vote for the Medivac amendments won’t end offshore detention, but it was a fantastic blow against the Morrison government. It is one of the very few occasions that Labor has voted against a Coalition government on refugee policy.

Corporate irrigation profits drain towns and rivers of life

Towns are running out of water and fish are dying in alarming numbers in Western NSW, providing a glimpse of what is at stake as the climate crisis drives temperatures to record levels.

Climate strike organiser: ‘the politicians aren’t listening’

Solidarity spoke to Vivienne Paduch, a Year 10 student at Manly Selective School and one of the organisers of Sydney’s Strike for Climate last year about why students have called a second Climate Strike.

Demand government investment in renewables

To have any hope of a transition to a zero carbon economy, we need a climate movement built around real demands for green jobs now, for direct government investment in 100 per cent renewable energy, and for an end to all new coal and gas.

Climate striker: we need support from unions to build the movement’s power

Sydney School Strike 4 Climate activist Aisheeya Huq spoke to a meeting of National Tertiary Education Union members last week. We reprint part of her speech.

Coal workers’ strike wins big victory against casualisation

Workers at a coal mine in NSW have won a big victory against casualisation after four days of strike action.

Port Kembla Coal Terminal fights for job security as termination looms

Workers at Port Kembla Coal Terminal (PKCT) continue to fight to protect their jobs.In April last year the Fair Work Commission sided with the bosses and terminated the workers’ enterprise bargaining agreement.  The...

Wharfies strike to stand up to Hutchison’s attacks

Wharfies in Sydney and Brisbane are a month into their campaign of industrial action to secure a decent Enterprise Agreement (EA) with Hutchison Ports.They are fighting for improvements to safety, training,...

Women in parliament won’t lead a fight against sexism

Greens Senator Sarah Hanson-Young's suggestion that it was time for a women’s caucus in Parliament to combat sexual harassment and bullying completely missed the mark.

Resisting the imperialist coup in Venezuela

The effort to oust Venezuelan president Nicolás Maduro came to a head on 23 January, with National Assembly leader Juan Guaidó appointing himself interim president.

Los Angeles teachers’ strike shows how to fight and win

Teachers in Los Angeles became the latest to join the strike wave in education across the US in January, winning historic gains after their first strike in 30 years.A year ago,...

French socialist: Yellow vest revolt is a cry of rage against austerity

Jad Bouharoun is a socialist based in Paris who has been part of the wave of yellow vests protests in France. He will visit Australia in April to speak...

Why capitalism fails and the alternative

Adam Adelpour explains how tackling the rise of racism and the far right, the threat of climate change and growing inequality requires a fight against the system itselfPolitical chaos...

Making students pay—30 years since the end of free education

Student debt levels have exploded since HECS fees were introduced 30 years ago, explains Tom Fiebig, as governments have moved to slash spending on universitiesToday, a university student will...

Rosa Luxemburg—a fighter for revolution

Rosa Luxemburg defended the need for revolution to end the horrors of capitalism, and her ideas were tragically confirmed by the outbreak of world war, argues Sadie Robinson

Editorial: Liberal rats abandon sinking ship—step up the fight for change

Scott Morrison has started the year with another appeal to the hard right, provocatively insisting that Invasion Day, 26 January, is Australia’s national day.

Toothless ‘Voice to parliament’ will change nothing for Aboriginal people

Bill Shorten has reaffirmed Labor’s support for a new Aboriginal “Voice to parliament”. This is another piece of symbolism that will do nothing to address ongoing oppression and racist government policies.

Liberals’ racism feeds fascists and the far right

In early January 150 racists and fascists gathered at St Kilda beach in Melbourne, boasting that it would be “Cronulla 2.0” where they would “reclaim the beach” and recreate the racist riot of 2005.

Buckingham finally gone, but The Greens’ crisis remains

Right-wing NSW Greens MP Jeremy Buckingham resigned from the party in December. But none of the political issues at stake have been resolved.

Medical Transfer Bill can be another blow against offshore detention

The prospect of the Coalition government being defeated when the Medical Transfer Bill is returned to the House of Representatives on 12 February has been thrown into doubt by the dithering of independent MP Cathy McGowan.

Hunger strikes across domestic detention

Detainees in detention centres across Australia are staging a hunger strike protest over detention conditions and powers that allow the Minister effectively to keep people in detention indefinitely.

Tory divisions produce Brexit chaos

The Brexit process has thrown British politics into crisis. The failure of Prime Minister Theresa May’s Brexit deal means there is still no resolution in sight.

Yellow Vests movement against inequality humbles Macron

The Yellow Vest movement in France shows no sign of fading away after ten weeks of protests, blockades and battles with police. Charlie Kimber from Socialist Worker UK looks at what the movement shows about struggle—and asks how it can win

US withdrawal from Syria would redraw imperialist carve up

In late December Donald Trump abruptly announced plans for the withdrawal of US troops from Syria.

Trump shuts down government to demand border wall

Donald Trump has imposed the longest government shutdown in US history in an attempt to demand Congress agree to $7 billion in funding for his border wall.

Rabaul 1929—Papuans’ first strike against Australian colonialism

In 1929, around 3000 Papua New Guineans in the town of Rabaul staged their first ever industrial strike

Unions against Labor—Queensland Labor’s history of strikebreaking

Unions formed the Labor Party. But Queensland history shows that again and again, Labor governments have betrayed their own working class supporters, argues James Supple

Germaine Greer—ignoring the causes of rape

Germaine Greer’s On Rape ends up trivialising rape and offering only meagre legal solutions that do nothing to tackle the system of sexist oppression, writes Lucy Honan

Socialists and the fight to end the frontier massacres

Paddy Gibson explains the key role unions and the Communist Party played in preventing the punitive expedition planned in Arnhem Land in 1933

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