Lessons from Melbourne’s 112-day lockdown

There is now talk of Melbourne’s lockdown as a model for the rest of the world. But this is the wrong lesson.

Right to protest win as hypocritical ban beaten in NSW

In NSW, groups of 500 protesters can now gather outdoors, in a victory for the right to protest.

Andrews government pushes on with attack on Djap Wurrung

On the day Victoria’s COVID restrictions eased, the Andrews government escalated their attack on the Djap Wurrung Heritage Protection Embassy.

Holding the line against Dutton—protest can free the refugees

Throughout the COVID crisis, with determined protests by refugees inside the hotel-prisons, the refugee movement has doggedly fought to free them.

Corbyn suspended as Labour leadership declares war on the left

Former leader Jeremy Corbyn has been kicked out of the British Labour Party’s parliamentary caucus, despite backing down on comments that saw him suspended from the party.

A window into the upsurge for Women’s Liberation

Brazen Hussies shines a light on the Women’s Liberation Movement in Australia in the 1960s and 1970s.

US election—Biden’s narrow win ensures ongoing crisis

Joe Biden may have defeated Trump, but his weak position and centrist politics mean he will be unable to deal with the crises that dominate the US, writes James Supple

Why did 73 million vote for Trump?

Despite losing the election, Trump was able to increase his support base significantly on 2016.

A corporate Democrat in the White House won’t end systemic racism and inequality

Virginia Rodino, a socialist and member of Marx21 in Baltimore, spoke at a forum on the election result organised by Solidarity:

Workers left behind in NSW Liberals’ energy plan—keep fighting for public renewables

The NSW Liberals' renewable energy plan rests on corporate investment and does nothing to secure the jobs of workers in fossil fuel industries.

Bill Ferguson—Unions, Aboriginal rights and the racist protection system

Luke Ottavi continues our series on key Indigenous activists with a look at Bill Ferguson, who fought racist laws in NSW against Aboriginal people to demand equal rights

The revolutionary ideas of Friedrich Engels—200 years on

Adam Adelpour looks at the important contribution Marx's collaborator Friedrich Engels made to the development of Marxist ideas, 200 years on from his birth

Medical Science academics hold afternoon stop work to protest job cuts

Academics in the School of Medical Sciences at Sydney Uni staged an “Afternoon of Action” on Wednesday in protest against forced redundancies in the School.

Editorial: Morrison’s recovery plan means cuts and casualisation—it’s time to start the fightback

While Scott Morrison’s budget has handed tens of billions of dollars to business in tax breaks and wage subsidies, workers will be expected to sacrifice to deliver any economic recovery from the pandemic.

MUA should defy effort by Patrick bosses and the Liberals to ban strikes

Scott Morrison has threatened wharfies at Patrick Terminals with federal government intervention for daring to request a pay rise “in the middle of a COVID-19 recession” accusing them of “a campaign of extortion against the Australian people”.

No time for delay in fight to save uni jobs

Across the Tertiary Education sector job cuts are coming in thick and fast. But we can’t accept voluntary redundancies as inevitable.

Defiant student protests fight to stop cuts at Sydney Uni

Cuts are raining down in universities across the country. But students at Sydney Uni have shown that it is possible to fight.

Santos gas project goes ahead in climate disaster

The Narrabri gas project in northwest NSW’s Pilliga region has been approved by the NSW Independent Planning Commission, despite widespread opposition amongst scientists, environmentalists, traditional owners and local farmers.

Pay cut for NSW workers on pandemic frontline

Over 400,000 public sector workers in NSW will have their pay rise slashed to just 0.3 per cent this year, following a decision in the Industrial Relations Commission.

Greek Nazis jailed in victory for the anti-fascist movement

The leadership of Greece’s Nazi Golden Dawn party is behind bars, with leader Nikos Michaloliakos and six other former MPs sentenced to 13 years’ jail and another 11 former MPs to between five and seven years.

Protests as Indonesia uses pandemic to rip away workers’ rights

Indonesians took to the streets in every province from 6-8 October to protest the Omnibus Law on Job Creation. The bill is a blow to labour, indigenous and environmental rights.

Win for the left in Bolivian vote

After almost a year of an unelected right-wing government backed by the US, the people of Bolivia have voted to remove the coup regime.Exit polls showed the Movement For...

Biden no antidote to Trump’s racism and the far right

Millions across the world are horrified at the chance that Donald Trump could win again in the US presidential election on 3 November.

Armenia and Azerbaijan conflict fed by outside powers

A long-running border dispute between armenia and azerbaijan has flared up with some of the heaviest fighting in four years.The fighting underlines the potential for spreading military conflict in...

Blaming white workers for racism lets our rulers off the hook

White Fragility is feeding a market hungry for ideas about how to join the fight against racism since the recent Black Lives Matter protests rocked the world.

William Cooper—activist who helped found the Aboriginal rights movement

Aboriginal activist William Cooper led one of the earliest Aboriginal political organisations to fight against discrimination and racism, writes Feiyi Zhang

One hundred years on—The Communist Party of Australia’s radical beginnings

One hundred years since its founding, there are key lessons from the role the Communist Party played in the militant union movement, writes Judy McVey, despite their flawed politics

US refugee deal winds up with hundreds still in limbo

Marc Ablong from Home Affairs told October’s Senate Estimates hearing that the deal with the US to resettle refugees from Nauru and PNG would finish in March or April 2021.

Handouts for business and the rich in budget that fails those hit by pandemic

The Liberals will shovel billions in subsidies and handouts to business and the rich, in a budget that fails those worst hit by the pandemic.

Morrison’s gas plans designed to paint climate action as a threat to jobs

In a series of energy announcements, the Morrison government has doubled down on its climate denialism and thrown its support behind a “gas-fired recovery”.

Editorial: Stop Morrison’s cuts—it’s time to fight for jobs, and for the right to protest

Scott Morrison is already cutting back JobKeeper and JobSeeker payments., even as unemployment is expected to keep rising

Unemployment crisis just beginning as economy slumps

Australia is in our worst economic crisis since the 1930s. But the situation is set to get worse.

Anger hits the streets after another Black death in custody

Aunty Sherry is the fifth Indigenous person to die in custody since June, a situation the national Aboriginal Legal Services’ peak body has branded a “national emergency”.

Pay cut for nurses on NSW’s COVID frontline ‘a real slap in the face’

Damien Davis-Frank talked to Solidarity about working in the medical system during the pandemic and what NSW nurses think about losing their 2.5 per cent pay rise this year.

Refugees need permanent protection not fruit picking

Requiring refugees to work in rural areas before granting residency only helps to legitimise the government’s anti-refugee policies

Race for a vaccine fuels imperialist power play

Across the globe a race is on to develop a vaccine for COVID-19, with the major powers scrambling to ensure supply to get their economies back on track.

Morrison’s belligerence behind escalating Cold War with China

Tensions with China are the result of the Australian government’s enthusiastic backing for the US’s Cold War.

End of Trump won’t fix unravelling of America

Trump has fed the polarisation of US society, but neither he nor Joe Biden have a solution to the multiple crises facing America, writes David Glanz

The 1930s New Deal—lessons for today

Calls for a Green New Deal have become more urgent with the pandemic-induced recession. But class struggle was key to forcing Roosevelt’s New Deal, writes Lachlan Marshall

Second World War was no defence of democracy

The Second World War, which ended 75 years ago, saw the rulers of the Allies fighting for empire and world domination, not democracy or anti-fascism, writes James Supple

Protester facing jail under COVID rules after police attack anti-cuts protest at Sydney Uni

Students and staff protested against plans for massive jobs cuts at the University of Sydney on Wednesday—only to again face a draconian and hypocritical police operation to disrupt and disperse them.

Melbourne needs more support for workers and the health system, not authoritarian controls

Melbourne faces months more of authoritarian lockdown measures, following Daniel Andrews' announcement yesterday

Don’t cheersquad for lockdown—governments and the health failure over COVID-19

We should not promote lockdowns as a response to COVID-19. If governments had taken adequate health measures, they would not be necessary

Aged care disaster exposes understaffing and corporate greed

The COVID-19 pandemic has shone a harsh spotlight on the state of aged care, revealing a system that all too often delivers suffering, isolation and humiliation to the elderly.

Hypocrisy as protests targeted and banned under COVID rules

There has been a concerted attack on the right to protest under the cover of the coronavirus. The Liberals and the Murdoch media have set out to scapegoat protests as somehow responsible for the virus’s spread.

National assembly of university workers discusses strikes against cuts

An unprecedented national assembly of university workers has condemned the job cuts and funding cuts to the university sector and resolved to mobilise against them, including going on strike.

Campaigns that showed how to stop cuts on campus

Lessons from the fight against job cuts at Sydney University in 2012 and the campaign to Save Sydney College of the Arts in 2016

Close Kangaroo Point: refugee protest defies ban

Around 400 protesters defied the strenuous efforts of Queensland’s Labor government to ban a pro-refugee demonstration outside the Kangaroo Point hotel, which is holding around 105 refugees transferred from Manus and Nauru for medical treatment.

Morrison backs gas expansion in show of contempt for climate

Scott Morrison is doubling down on fossil fuels in the face of climate disaster, backing more gas mining as a path out the COVID-19 crisis.

Hand-picked corporate advisers shaping COVID recovery

Scott Morrison has appointed an unelected and secretive group of fossil fuel bosses to advise the government on how to ensure any economic recovery from the pandemic will prioritise profits.

Explosion triggers new uprising in Lebanon

“We have been fighting the system for a long time, now our anger has overflowed, it has gone beyond everything normal because the explosion at the harbour means we have to change everything.

Fighting the second wave—can COVID be kept under control?

Many countries worldwide are facing either a second wave, or a resurgence in infections. Even countries that managed to control the virus initially, such as South Korea, New Zealand and Vietnam, have seen new outbreaks.

US-China rivalry creating a dangerous world

Phil Griffiths looks at the escalating imperialist tensions between the US and China

Hiroshima—nuclear attack launched to demonstrate US power

The atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki 75 years ago was not necessary to end the Second World War, it was designed to establish US control of the world, writes Matilda Fay

Start the fightback to save jobs at unis as Morrison imposes massive cuts

Scott Morrison is determined to wind back government support for workers and the economy, even as COVID-19 outbreaks continue, while companies cut jobs and unemployment climbs.

Walkouts demand safe workplaces amid Melbourne’s COVID surge

Workers have been forced to take safety into their own hands at a series of workplaces across Melbourne, after their employers refused to take COVID-19 infections on site seriously.

Woolies workers win big on permanency and pay, but more to be gained

After almost two weeks outside the gates, members of the United Workers Union at Woolies' Wyong distribution centre in NSW have won big pay rises and an increase in permanent jobs.

Inspired by Thatcher, Liberals want workers to pay for the COVID crisis

The Liberals want workers to pay for economic recovery through attacks on workplace rights and poverty level payments for the unemployed.

Andrews’ failures produced Melbourne outbreak, not distancing slip-ups

The new wave of infections in Melbourne is the first large-scale community spread of coronavirus Australia has seen.

Fight begins against Liberals’ new cuts and fee increases

The Morrison Government is hoping the Senate will agree to its university fee increases when parliament resumes from 24 August.

Strategy needed to halt uni bosses’ job cuts

Around the country, university Vice-Chancellors are launching massive attacks on jobs, on top of their previous cuts to casual and fixed term staff.

Morrison’s military billions fuel conflict with China

Australia will spend $270 billion over ten years to recalibrate its military strategy and project more power across the Indo-Pacific region, which Prime Minister Scott Morrison says is now “the focus of the dominant global contest of our age”.

Green ban saves heritage and Sydney Powerhouse

NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian has backflipped over the move of the Ultimo Powerhouse Museum to Parramatta, announcing plans for a museum on both sites. After ongoing community opposition, the...

Seven years is enough: protest builds to free the refugees

The 19 July marked seven years since the Rudd Labor government infamously declared that no asylum seeker who arrived by boat and was sent to offshore detention in Manus...

Coalition’s new climate policy a roadmap to nowhere

As the triple crises in health, the economy and the climate rage on, the Coalition government continues to subsidise fossil fuel projects and avoid seriously cutting emissions.While the consequences...

Draconian new security law imposed on Hong Kong

With the passage of a new national security law, the Chinese government is attempting to quash Hong Kong’s protest movement.

Trump desperate and dangerous as his COVID death toll grows

Donald Trump is growing desperate as his hopes for re-election fade, following his chaotic blundering over the COVID-19 crisis. He has fallen 15 per cent behind his Democratic rival...

Racist government policies fuel deaths in custody

Paddy Gibson examines how racist government policies have led to the surge in Indigenous imprisonment and deaths in custody

Malcolm X—fighting racism by any means necessary

Cooper Forsyth looks at the ideas of one of the US’s most uncompromising fighters against racism, and what they have to teach the Black Lives Matter movement todayThe racism...

Who will pay for the crisis this time?

A global pandemic has exposed just how fragile the world economy already was. Tomáš Tengely-Evans examines why capitalism constantly creates economic crises

Solving the jobs and climate crises together

Penny Howard looks at the proposals to create hundreds of thousands of jobs through government stimulus that addresses climate change, and how we can win them

Black Lives Matter: Unite against a system of racism and inequality

The rebellion against racism and police brutality in the US has found echoes all around the world.

Morrison’s ‘Accord 2.0’ talks are a trap for the unions

Scott Morrison has set a trap for the union movement and the ACTU has walked straight in.

Melbourne Uni no vote on cuts to pay and conditions boosts fights elsewhere

NTEU members at the University of Melbourne have dealt a decisive blow to management, voting No to a non-union ballot to vary the existing enterprise agreement.

Refugee supporters blockade Kangaroo Point Hotel

After weeks of protests inside and outside the hotel-prisons and detention centres, the Kangaroo Point hotel in Brisbane has emerged as the immediate focal point for the campaign to free the refugees in Australia.

COVID-19 crisis shows childcare should be a public service

The COVID-19 crisis initially threatened the sector with collapse. Government funding for free childcare will end on 12 July, with the sector due to “snap back” to the previous arrangements.

Conspiracy theories don’t explain society’s problems

Recent anti-lockdown protests have given voice to a range of conspiracy theories—the belief that secret networks of powerful individuals rule the world.

Defund the police—until we can abolish them completely

The demand to defund the police has resonated with the multi-ethnic Black Lives Matter demonstrations in hundreds of US cities.

United States—a history of revolts against racism

Alongside a terrible history of vicious racism in the US, there is a tradition of militant anti-racism. Yuri Prasad looks back at when black and white people have fought back together against the system

Sydney Uni students and staff start the fight against cuts and fee increases

Students and staff at Sydney Uni are leading the way in the fightback against cuts on campus. With the Liberals announcing new plans to increase student fees, we need to escalate the fight to defend our education.

Eyewitness from LA: Burning rage engulfs the US in rebellion against racism

The combination of the public health crisis, with the pandemic killing people of colour at the highest rates, the economic misery many face due to lockdowns, and Trump’s catastrophic leadership have created a tinderbox which Floyd’s execution set aflame.

Rebellion against racist cops and a racist system sweeps the US

Night after night of mass protests and riots have swept the US following the brutal murder of George Floyd at the hands of police in Minneapolis.

‘The video of George Floyd took me back to when I saw my uncle’s death’

Paul Silva, whose uncle David Dungay Jr died in custody in disturbingly similar circumstances to George Floyd in Minneapolis, sends a message of solidarity to the uprising in the US.

Tenants organise to resist landlords and the Liberals in Sydney

Tenants and the newly formed Housing Defence Coalition in Sydney have shown how to fight back.

Editorial: No return to the thirties—fan the flames of resistance

Government and employer demands for pay cuts and sacrifices from workers will only create more misery and deepen the economic crisis.

Mental health crisis but solidarity protests can free the refugees

Just as surely as it happened on Manus and Nauru, the attempted suicides and self-harm incidents are escalating in the hotels and detention centres here.

Pressure on women and families during lockdowns due to sexist system

The coronavirus pandemic has exposed the reliance of capitalism on the nuclear family and women’s unpaid domestic labour.

Protests rage at poverty and sackings during lockdown

The impacts of the coronavirus pandemic are being sharply felt in many parts of the global south, across Africa, Asia and the Middle East, creating extreme hunger and poverty that have led to significant protests, despite the lockdowns.

Trump demands US reopen for business but health system in disarray

Several states have lifted lockdown restrictions through May as Trump continues his push for “Opening Up America Again”.

Why taking wage cuts won’t save jobs

The calls to accept wage cuts or forego wage rises won’t save jobs, they will simply encourage bosses to demand even more concessions, argues David Glanz

Poverty and unemployment surges as coronavirus sweeps Indonesia

Alang, a member of Socialist Unification and the union Sentral Gerakan Buruh Nasional in Indonesia explains the impact of the coronavirus and the economic crisis it has triggered.

Vote No to the NTEU national framework agreement—defend every condition, fight for every job

There needs to be a strong no vote rejecting the national framework the NTEU leadership has announced.

Stopping work to stop the war—the Vietnam Moratorium fifty years on

The first massive Vietnam Moratorium marches were held 50 years ago this month. What made them a new high point was the scale of workers' strike action to "stop work to stop the war"

Keneally’s attack is racist scapegoating—Migrants don’t take jobs

Kristina Keneally has revived the racist myth that immigration costs workers' jobs, with an opinion piece on Sunday that has spared a furore.

Morrison and Trump fuel racism in opportunistic attack on China over COVID-19

Scott Morrison has joined Donald Trump in fuelling anti-Chinese racism, with escalating attacks on China over the COVID-19 outbreak.

Teachers pay the price as COVID-19 exposes school inequality and workload crisis

There can be no talk of a return to “normal” in schools. The COVID-19 crisis has exposed pre-existing inequalities in education.

Editorial: Even amid health crisis, business profits at centre of Morrison’s concerns

Morrison keeps claiming that “We are all in this together”—but he has made it clear that, “business is at the centre of the economy.”

Coronavirus spending—How can governments suddenly fund everything?

The scale of the government spending announced in recent weeks is staggering. Scott Morrison has revealed three huge spending packages totalling $320 billion.

Warehouse walkouts force bosses to put safety before profits

Workers in a number of warehouse distribution centres have won increased safety measures against coronavirus after walking off the job.

Refugees step up detention protests for freedom from infection risk

Refugees in detention centres across the country are continuing their resistance, calling for their immediate release amid the threat of COVID-19 infection.

Pressure builds for action as uni staff face savage cuts

Momentum is growing at universities to take collective action to defend our jobs and conditions.

Virus exposes class inequality of US capitalism

The United States, the world’s richest nation, is struggling to deal with the coronavirus due to decades of government cutbacks and a dysfunctional political system headed by Donald Trump.

Amid pandemic, Trump steps up aggression against Venezuela

Trump has threatened Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, raising a bounty of $15 million for his capture, claiming he's involved in drug trafficking.

Hungary’s government seizes autocratic control

Hungary's government has effectively declared itself a dictatorship under the guise of combating the coronavirus.

Coronavirus and capitalism—Big Pharma’s addiction to profit

As the coronavirus spreads around the world, David Glanz looks at how capitalism and the corporate control of medicine means profit comes before public health

Strikes in a time of pandemic: The 1919 seafarers’ strike

Almost exactly 101 years ago, the first great pandemic of the twentieth century struck Australia. But 1919 was also the year of the biggest strike wave in Australia’s history.

Hutchison wharfies win COVID-19 safety measures

After a ten-day standoff with Hutchison, Sydney wharfies returned to work on Sunday 12 April after winning dramatic safety improvements to manage the risk of coronavirus at work.

Saving capitalism from itself: lessons from Rudd’s GFC stimulus

With the world facing the sharpest economic downturn in the history of capitalism, governments are again turning overnight from neo-liberal budget-balancers to Keynesians on steroids.

Crackdown on protest as refugee activist arrested and others fined over Melbourne cavalcade

On Friday Solidarity's Chris Breen was arrested and charged with "incitement" for helping to organise a car cavalcade protest past the Mantra Hotel in Preston, Melbourne.

Coronavirus─the myth that we’re ‘all in it together’

“There are no more unions or bosses. There are just Australians now.” So said Scott Morrison last week.

Editorial: Morrison’s failure to stop the virus the result of a sick system

The coronavirus pandemic could see 150,000 people in Australia die in a “worst case scenario” if it spreads unchecked.

Inside the System

Rich get special access to tests and treatment in the US; Italian 3D printed ventilator valves illegal; Rich jet off to self-isolate in luxury; Coles gets 36,000 job applications in a day; Elites have more trust in government; Casino’s special deal on coronavirus

Testing shortage and state of hospitals show Morrison’s failure

Scott Morrison is losing control of the coronavirus outbreak due to lack of testing—and has failed to deliver the enormous expansion in healthcare services needed.

Big pharma’s thirst for profit has held back vaccine research

One reason for the vaccine delay is that the big pharmaceutical companies have been disinterested in developing virus treatments, fearing they won’t be profitable.

Big powers put imperialist rivalries before human lives

Instead of co-operating in the face of humanitarian crisis, Donald Trump and other world leaders are using the coronavirus outbreak to advance their own power and imperialist interests.

No just transition for Holden workers after failure to fight for jobs

The final end of the car-maker General Motors Holden came in February. But there was never a serious fight for the one thing that could have saved the jobs—nationalisation.

Afghanistan invasion is the war crime

The allegations of Australian SAS soldiers committing war crimes in Afghanistan have been around for years. But the Four Corners footage showing an Australian soldier executing Dad Mohammad, an unarmed father, leaves no doubt.

Democratic Party unites to crush Bernie Sanders

The Democratic Party is now all but certain to run establishment figure Joe Biden in the election against Donald Trump in November.

New refugee exodus from Syria as Turkey opens borders

A new refugee crisis in Syria has seen up to a million people trapped along the Turkish border in desperate conditions. Overcrowded camps there and in Greece face major risks from the spread of coronavirus.

‘Never again’—understanding the horror of the Holocaust

On the 75th anniversay of the liberation of the Auschwitz death camp, David Glanz looks at the causes of the Holocaust and how it emerged from Hitler’s fascist ideology

Socialism and transgender liberation

Pan Karanikolas reviews a new book on transgender oppression that argues winning the working class to the fight against oppression is the key to dismantling it

Detention is a coronavirus danger—free the refugees now

As the coronavirus spreads, calls are growing louder to free immigration detainees from the detention centres and hotels.

Morrison spends big to bail out business not protect workers

The coronavirus pandemic means the world is facing a major recession. Morrison has announced $189 billion in economic measures—but his focus is overwhelmingly on bailouts for business, not workers.

Editorial: Morrison still pushing coal and gas despite climate disaster

Morrison may have adjusted his language over climate change, but, he continues his push to expand fossil fuel use.

Morrison backs NSW fossil fuel expansion as the planet burns

Scott Morrison and the NSW Liberals have agreed to ramp up fossil fuel use through a fresh expansion of gas and coal production.

Zali Steggall’s climate bill is a step backwards

Independent MP Zali Steggall has presented her new climate bill as a way to break the deadlock on climate action. But it avoids the key question of what policies we need to cut emissions—and so will get us nowhere.

How Germany phased out coal—without sacking workers

While Australia plans to open new coal mines, Germany is in the process of closing down its mining sector.

Uni staff plan for month of Climate Strikes in May

Two major strikes in May will see unions and students out in force for climate action. Last year School Strike for Climate brought 350,000 to the streets on 20 September.

Morrison’s coronavirus travel ban fuels anti-Chinese racism

Following Donald Trump, Scott Morrison’s travel ban on everyone from China who is not an Australian citizen or permanent resident has fuelled the racist response here.

Adam Bandt’s Green New Deal won’t be won through electoral dead end

Newly-elected Greens leader Adam Bandt has launched a push for a Green New Deal, aiming to give a little zest to the party’s flagging image after it drifted to the right under former leader Richard Di Natale.

From offshore prison to onshore motels: Free the refugees

Hundreds of refugees brought to Australia for medical attention before the Medevac legislation was repealed are still being held in closed detention.

Strikes banned at DP World in attack on right to strike

The Federal Court has issued an injunction preventing 1800 DP World wharfies from taking strike action for six weeks until mid-March, despite it being legally “protected” action.

Trump’s plan for total Israeli domination of Palestine

After years of build-up Donald Trump has finally released his “deal of the century”, touted as a “peace settlement” between Israel and the Palestinians.

Democrats’ impeachment effort fails to damage Trump

The Republican-majority Senate acquitted Trump of all charges in early February. But instead of furthering resistance, Trump’s approval ratings have actually increased to a record high of 49 per cent.

Shift to the left in Ireland as Sinn Féin humbles major parties

In a major shake-up of Ireland’s two-party system, Sinn Féin has swept the polls in the general election.

A Green New Deal requires a frontal challenge to capitalism

Naomi Klein’s new book taps into a growing sentiment around the need for large-scale social transformation in response to the climate crisis.

Can Bernie beat the corporate Democrats this time?

Bernie Sanders’ campaign has galvanised support in the early Democratic primaries, but will he be sabotaged again, asks Lachlan Marshall

What would socialism look like?

Reforming capitalism is not the same as socialism, argues Sadie Robinson. Another society is possible—but can only come about through a revolution by working class people

Why capitalism can’t act on the climate crisis

The competitive drive structured into capitalism prevents the rich and powerful from acting on the climate crisis, argues Feiyi Zhang

Captain Cook—rotten crook?

The 250th anniversary of Cook’s landing in April will see him defended as a great navigator and explorer. But he was part of the imperialist scramble to colonise the world, writes James Supple

Smug Scomo left Australia to burn—step up the demands to fund renewables and action on climate

Scott Morrison has been badly damaged by his response to the bushfire crisis, after weeks of refusing to act.

Capitalism and the rich create climate catastrophe

We are in a climate emergency. Australia’s bushfire crisis has brought this home to millions of people.

Workers and toxic smoke: ‘People’s health has got to come before the dollar’ says Sydney port worker

Solidarity’s Erima Dall talked to Justin Timmins, the safety committee rep at DP World at Port Botany in Sydney, about their fight to avoid unsafe working conditions.

COP25 climate talks: World leaders fiddle as the Earth burns

Global climate talks in Madrid ended without agreement in December, demonstrating starkly that official politics has no answer to the climate crisis.

Manus and Nauru refugees brought to Australia still rotting in detention

The first people transferred under Medevac have now been in detention almost a year. The initial hopes for freedom have turned into despair.

Morrison extends religious right to discriminate

In December, the Liberals released a second draft of their Religious Discrimination Bill.

Weeks-long strike wave in France draws a line against neo-liberalism

France is in the grip of an extraordinary strike wave against President Emmanuel Macron’s assault on pensions.

Trump takes US to the brink of war with Iran

The US and Iran have stepped back from the brink of war, after Donald Trump’s assassination of Iranian general Qasem Soleimani threatened to bring on a dangerous conflict in the Middle East.

Protests and massive general strike challenge India’s far right government

India is being rocked by protests and strikes against hard right Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

Nationalism—obscuring the class divide

Workers in Australia have more in common with workers around the world than they do with the Australian ruling class, writes Raul Haagensen

Climate disasters—how governments and the rich leave workers and the poor to die

The bushfire crisis has shown the desperate need for disaster assistance in the face of climate change. But the official response can highlight the class divide writes Ruby Wawn

Jeremy Corbyn and the failure of left reformism in Europe

The hope that radical left governments in Europe could take parliamentary power and deliver change has proven hollow, writes Caitlin Doyle

Injustice ongoing as Indigenous people jailed and killed

This year began with another shocking Aboriginal death in custody, the product of an injustice system set up to criminalise, jail and kill.

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